A red umbrella, tilted 45 degrees to the right, the universal symbol for sex worker rights

Meet DeLaine




Please do not send me lewd or explicit messages, photos, or other content.


This is really rude, and it's no way to start a conversation. Please remember that I do not accept requests for illegal services.


Please contact me for the first time using the contact form on my website.


This ensures you're speaking with me personally, and I can reply discreetly via email.


Do not attempt to negotiate for discounts or for free entertainment.


This is disrespectful and rude, and shows me that you don't value my time or expertise. Please don't be that person.


When providing screening information, please provide everything I request.


This makes screening easy and fast for both of us. Please don't provide inaccurate or fake information, as it will disqualify you from meeting me.



Please follow the directions I give you for arrival and parking. I promise you won’t get lost! These routines exist for my privacy and our mutual safety.


You may get to leave, but I have to stay at my incall. Please be respectful of my property and my neighborhood, and don't loiter before or after your appointment. This is essential to my ongoing safety and that of my visiting clients.


Please wait to say hello until we are both inside and the door is shut, so we don’t disturb the neighbors. Remaining discreet is important to me.


This ensures that we're not making noise in common areas, and my neighbors at home or in hotels are less likely to notice multiple guests. This rule exists for your privacy as well as mine.


Please lay down the fee for my time within a few minutes of your arrival. Cashless payments must be arranged in advance. Forcing me to ask makes things awkward!


I can't relax until I know this is taken care of, so please take care of it quickly. Please don't hide it inside something or in an odd area. Placing it on a table in plain sight is just fine. Envelopes are optional.


I provide a set of drawers for your personal belongings, which are within your sight at all times. Please leave all of your belongings inside these drawers.


You'll be able to keep track of your valuables this way, and I'll know that you aren't using a surreptitious recording device. Win-win for both of us!



Please be respectful of my time, during and in-between meetings.


If we inadvertently run overtime, tipping is appropriate. I always remember clients who treat me with respect, and the ones who don't will not get invited back.


Please arrive and depart quickly and quietly to avoid attracting attention.


It is essential that you arrive and depart quickly so as to keep my incall space as discreet as possible. This is for my privacy primarily, but also for your own privacy and that of all of my clients. Don't draw attention, and don't wreck the spot.


Please do not save my location information in your GPS, phone, or email.


I trust that you'll keep my information private, but I can't say the same for anyone else in your personal life. Please protect my privacy with the same diligence that I protect yours.


Please note that I do not allow photo or video recordings.


I reserve the right to destroy any video recording devices, including phones and cloud backups, and I will pursue all legal avenues of redress for revenge porn.


Tipping is expected if we have gone overtime.


Tipping is appropriate if you are significantly late to your appointment or if we have gone overtime. Please remember to book enough time for our session; an hour goes by super fast!